22 May 2008


Last night my room mate turned to me and asked, "What do you want to be when you grow up?" Not really sure if he was being sarcastic or serious, I simply looked at him for a minute. Then some thoughts began to come.

Information systems is my major; a major I know a decent amount about. What is my experience with information systems? Well, I don't exactly have any. In fact, I haven't even taken a class. How do I know if I will enjoy it? Frankly, I don't. I do know, however, that I have done well in all of the prereq classes. Did I enjoy them? Not particularly.

Well if I don't know if I will enjoy information systems, what do I know that I like? I like reading and writing, as long it is by my own free will. I enjoy designing websites and learning to create them on my own. Not those generic websites you learn to make in CS 100. I'm talking about real websites. I also enjoy photography.

Naturally, the next question comes: Why am I not majoring in something I know I like? Hm, that's a tough one. Maybe it is because too many people are better at them than I am. All around me are people that excel in these areas and even though I enjoy them, I've never particularly excelled in them.

But when did I ever excel in information systems? Wow, you got me again.

My father spent his life doing things he didn't enjoy because of difficult circumstances. He wanted to be a forest ranger. He still wants to be a forest ranger. He knew what he enjoyed back then and he still enjoys the same things decades later, but he will never become that forest ranger. I don't want to live with the regret my father lives with. Do what you enjoy.

And that is how I came to make this list of resolutions. It is time to excel in what I enjoy doing.
  • Always have a good book on hand.
  • Work on my writing through my blog.
  • Learn some things about web design.
  • Take up photography.

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Blogger Greg said...

Keep with it - info systems is the way to go. And if you still like to read and write, try the PhD prep course if you get into the MISM program, it's been great for me.
Anyways, nice to hear about you again, best of luck.

Tuesday, September 09, 2008  

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