11 July 2008

My Cultured Side.

Stephanie, the history department secretary, enters my office. As usual, I am seated at my desk, but there is something different. Instead of being occupied by emails and internet, I am reading. Stephanie takes notice of this.

"Whatcha doin'?," she asks in her high voice. Her lips return to their usual tightly pursed position after finishing the question.

Not wanting to spark a conversation, a distraction from reading, I answer quickly, "Reading."

She takes no notice of.. or rather chooses to ignore the fact that I am trying to avoid distractions.

"Whatcha readin'?" Tight lips again.

"The Scarlet Pimpernel."

She raises her thin eyebrows and utters a surprised, "Really?"

"Yeah." I bring the small red book closer to my face.

She continues. "What inspired you to read that book?"

Suddenly, I sense a judge in my office. "I heard it was about spies."

"Ah..." That is all she says. She doesn't leave.

Putting the book down, I decide to end this. "Why so surprised?"

"Oh, no reason."

"No, really. Why are you surprised?"

"Nothing..." She tries to retreat back to her desk.

"Oh, come on. You have to have a reason."

"Well, I just didn't think you were the kind of person to read novels about 18th century Europe."

Finally, the truth. I guess only cultured people read about 18th century Europe.

Cultured? Who's to judge?

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Blogger Eliza said...

You're a really good storyteller.
And this is absolutely hilarious.

Friday, July 11, 2008  
Blogger Unknown said...

hey, that's my copy of the book you were reading! i'm famous...

Friday, August 08, 2008  
Blogger Nuri said...

Hey, cuando me empiece a parecer a Stephanie, dímelo ok? Te agradezco mucho que hoy me hayas dicho que cuando hablo no te molesto, pero no me gustaría aparecer en ninguna de tus super-maravillosas-historias en tu blog... "Recuerdo a una compañera de trabajo. Se llamaba Nuri. Si Stephanie me molestaba al leer, no queréis conocer a Nuri. Todavía no puedo creer lo que era capaz de hablar..." No Brett por favor, no me hagas eso. Prefiero que me lo digas antes. "Nuri, por favor, no hables más. Empiezas a ser un poquito Stephanie". Hah! Just kidding amigo :)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009  

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