26 August 2008

The Costco Experience.

Dinner time arrived and the cupboards were empty. What are a young bachelor and his room mate to do? Go to Costco, of course.

And that is what we did.

After making it to the entrance and flashing the Costco card, we made straight for the food. A slice of pizza, a polish dog and a medium drink for only $3.75. Now that is a deal. A good deal, too.

As we impatiently awaited our turn in line to order, a girl approaches.

"You just can't leave Costco without getting a cinnamon sugar churro!," she says as she makes her way into line next to me.

I glance at her through the corner of my eye. Is she talking to me? Sure enough, she is.

"I'm sorry?..," I reply.

She repeats herself.

"Oh... yeah...," I answer.

I was excitedly anticipating my cheap gourmet meal and she was simply a distraction. Apparently my facial expression showed what I was thinking because she quickly grabbed her cell and started making a call. Before long, she was talking to a sister about an upcoming baby shower.

* * * *

After polishing off my supreme slice of pizza, I began on the polish dog. Don't worry, Costco polish dogs are 100% kosher.


At the table next to us is a mother with three young children. She is lecturing one of them.

"You know I don't like it when you watch that Sponge Bob show," she started.

Sponge Bob? Intrigued, I listen in more intently.

"Next time you go to your friend's house and watch it, just don't tell me! Then I won't have any reason to get mad at you!"

Now that is parenting at its finest.

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08 August 2008


Need I say more?

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