21 December 2008

El Cangrejo

Where chall I begin? I suppose I should begin where all great stories begin. At the beginning.

The sun had just retreated to its sanctuary behind the mountainous Puerto Rican horizon and darkness had begun to take hold. On the front porch of the rented out apartment sat a young man. By appearance, he had about fifteen years, but by fact, he was twenty. Most people knew him as an over-active attention seeker, whose lips were always smiling and whose voice was always on the edge of laughter. But tonight, tonight he was different. Tonight his lips were drawn out and thin. His laughter was lost in the darkness surrounding him. Hour after hour of sitting and twiddling his thumbs had dulled his senses. Empty thoughts filled his mind with nothingness. He was a spector in the darkness. Until... Something moved in the shadowy street. Dun dun dun!

The small form of the creature moved with easy, making its way to the large pile of weekend party remains found in front of the boy's apartment. Upon reaching the pile, it vanished amongst the black garbage bags and green Heineken beer bottles.

Suddently the boy became alive and sprang to his feet, his eyes with with excitment. Leaving his sullen disposition behind him, he rushed to the garbage pile to search out the shadowy form of the unknown. But no! It was too dark! The sun had forsaken him, making his efforts fruitless.

What could be done? And then an idea struck the boy: flashlight! Rushing inside, he searched frantically. Where could a flashlight be? There one is! He reached out, grabbed it, and dashed back out into the night air, raising the flashlight up as a torch, victorious! Then the search continued.

Within seconds, the creature was located. Its small shelled body was found beneath a large black bag with pincer raised high in defense. Quickly, the boy reached for a nearby bucket and with one scoop, the crab was captured.

And thus, the crab became known as "El Cangrejo" meaning "Bringer of Light."

(This post was written over two years ago and was inspired by true events.)


Blogger Mariana said...

Oh my goodness... I *remember* this! Hahah, great work, you truly have talent. :-)

Sunday, June 07, 2009  

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