04 November 2008

Conspiracy Theory.

Election day arrives and a shocking headline hits news stands across America: "Barack Obama's Grandmother Dies."

America reads the headline and mourns for Obama. Five minutes later, suspicions begin to arise.

The election was going well for the Barack Obama campaign. Obama lead polls across America. But was it enough? Perhaps Obama didn't think so. So in an effort to influence a simpathy vote, he killed his grandmother. Not!

Come on, folks. Barack Obama did not kill his grandmother. We're talking about the woman who loved, raised, and cared for Obama during his childhood. His only remaining close relative. His grandma who was diagnosed with cancer just a month ago. Terminal cancer. Besides, Obama has an alibi. He has been traveling across America in a final effort to turn Americans to his cause. Barack Obama did not kill his grandmother.

But where has Michelle Obama been?

Michelle has declared her unconditional love for her husband in press conferences across America. She wants nothing more than to see her husband become President and would do anything to ensure his success. Reports from several American citizens have claimed witnessing Michelle board a Boeing 767 on Sunday morning. Destination? Hawaii.

Refering to his grandmother, Barack is cited as saying, "She was the person who encouraged and allowed us to take chances."

We can only speculate as to what words were exchanged between Michelle and Grandma Obama just before she died. Perhaps it went something like this:

Grandma: "Michelle, take a chance. I have lived a good life and I am willing to end it for the campaign, for my Barack."

Michelle: "I could never!"

Grandma: "Michelle, the race is close. This could sway the vote. I have terminal cancer. I'm dying. Just do it before I change my mind."

Congressman Neil Abercrombie, a friend of the family, stated, "[Grandma Obama] passed away confident that he would succeed."

Why so confident? You be the judge.

(This article is strictly fictional.)

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Blogger darren said...

brett. grandma obama isn't dead. the liberal media has once again caught you in its web of hope-filled lies. think about it...did you see her die? have you seen her body? was there a funeral? ("Well, they were probably just waiting until after election day for the funeral," you reply) Sure. Election Day. THERE'S a convenient excuse. Can't get a much better alibi than 60,000 people in a park in chicago. At least that's what the feds will say when they uncover security tapes of a tall, thin, dashingly-handsome man walking as if in a halo of angelic light with his arm around a hunched gray-haired lady up the stairs into a learjet bound for st. kitts and nevis at 4pm on november 4. she turns, looks directly into the security camera and gives a sarah palin wink, as if to say "my son now signs your paychecks, gentlemen," and the feds turn, looks at each other, and one says, "Hey, isn't that...nah, couldn't be..." And even as they shake their heads in disbelief, somewhere a CNN exec nods his with smug satisfaction, and says, "You're in MY situation room now..."

Saturday, November 08, 2008  
Blogger Nuri said...

Mi favorito! Me encanta! Cuando en un futuro no muy lejano escribas tu libro, díselo a tu amiga Nuri. Por favor.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009  

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